Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Writing Killer Subject Lines

I‘ve been fortunate to help my clients sell a gazillion dollars worth of on-line products and services—and that success starts with the Subject Line.

A great subject line has one and only one objective: To get a prospect to click and read your next message.

If you fail at this stage, your online promo will sink faster than the Titanic.

So what makes a killer subject line—one that the prospect must open?

I’ll answer that in a moment, but first, here are some subject lines for successful on-line promotions I’ve written:

Subj: Why Most Detoxes and Cleanses Fail
(for natural colon cleansing product)

Subj: Double Your Testosterone Without Shots or Gels
(for e-book on men’s sexual potency and health)

Subj: Why the Chinese Don’t Get Sick Like We Do
(for health newsletter on Chinese Healing Miracles)

Subj:  4 Surprising Forecasts for 2014
(for an investment newsletter on premier Blue Chip Growth stocks)

Subj: Reduce Nighttime Bathroom Trips by 64%
(for a special men’s prostate/urination health formula)

Subj: Rare Sea Plant Better Than Green Tea?
(for a unique natural health formula sourced from the sea)

Subj: The CoQ10 you don’t know
(for a special, more absorbable form of CoQ10)

Each of these subject lines was linked to an email ad that led to a landing page or video sales letter…or directly to the online promotion.

What do they have in common?  Ideally subject lines…

  1. Are short, around 5-6 words
  2. Make a controversial or contrarian statement
  3. Tease, tease, tease
  4. Ask an intriguing question
  5. Reveal a unique promise or benefit—the more specific the better
  6. Attract the ideal prospect
  7. Make the reader stop—and click
  8. Stand out from the ordinary

In many ways, a killer subject line is like a killer headline for an ad.  It must make the reader, stop, read and read on—or in this case, click.


If you’d like to see samples of my successful online promotions—landing pages and VSL (video sales letters)—just email me at

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