Monday, May 9, 2016

Why click through rates are often more important than open rates…(and why you must continue to test, test, and test again all online promotions)

Interesting results from a landing page I created show open rates are not necessarily the most important factor for profitability of an online promotion.

Case in point. I wrote a subject line…an email “ad”…and a landing page for a nutritional product.

The Open Rate was X... the Click Through Rate was about Y...and Conversion rate was Z.

Then, a second email was send to non-openers of the first promotion, with a different subject line and email ad.

The Open Rate was about half of X, as to be expected since this was re-sent to non-openers.

But the Click Through Rate was almost 2Y compared to the first promotion—nearly DOUBLE the clicks.

Just as important, the conversion rate was nearly 2Z, too—nearly DOUBLE the number of orders.

The result? 26 percent more revenue!

Just tweaking the subject line and the email ad made a big difference in the dollars generated for this product.