Friday, January 17, 2014

The Secret to “Informational Marketing"

The best way I've found to sell through the mail or online is to combine valuable, little-known information and
a unique product or service.

People don’t just want to be sold something.  They want good reasons to buy something.  So if you can give
them information and a product or service that will make them richer or healthier…protect their nest egg or
well being…and ensure them a more comfortable, safer life—they are more apt to buy.

Another way to look at this is with the Left Brain/Right Brain example.

The Left Brain is the logical, analytical, objective side that responds to new facts and information.

The Right Brain is the intuitive, thoughtful and objective side that responds to emotions and benefits.

Strike both sides of the brain and you can get more sales.

Take for example a successful online promotion I wrote for Louis Navellier’s Blue Chip Growth newsletter.

As you can see by the screenshot, this Special Investor Alert featured “My 4 Surprising Forecasts for 2014.”

For marketing investment products like this one, hardly anything beats forecasts.  In this case,
Louis Navellier revealed four forecasts about the stock market and in particular, how to grow richer in
blue chip growth stocks. 

The copy went on to promise…

*How you can beat the market 3-to-1 in 2014, like Louis Navellier has been doing for his subscribers
for years

*How to get in now on 21 Lock and Load Stocks Ready to Skyrocket in 2014

*And how to make sure you don’t get wiped out by a bubble bursting under some popular stocks

Whether it was the timing of the initial promotion (in mid December) or the bullish stock market,
interest in these forecasts was very high.

The online promotion tested very well and is currently being rolled out.

The question: What kind of important information can you include in your promotions to drive up sales? 

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